Que tipo de facilidades ofrecer el seguro médico en España y sus categorías What types of medical insurance exist in Spain and its categories
Information / Medical Insurance

Medical insurance

Although in Spain there is a public health system that provides health coverage to all citizens and is considered one of the best in the world, private health insurance is also becoming important role in recent years.

Its advantages are: the speed with which it cares for its patients, lower, or sometimes non-existent waiting lists and providing value added services such as providing private rooms, sending test reports quickly by mail, email or messages to your mobile. However, not all are virtues in private healthcare. The insurance usually has a long list of possible restrictions, it doesn’t admit any patient and sometimes you have to wait a certain period of time to start enjoying the health services contract. It should clarify in detail the conditions of the policy.

To access private health care, the institutions offer three types of insurance: health care assistance, reimbursement of expenditures and insurance subsidiaries and allowances.

Health care insurance: The most extensive and solicited health care insurance, which provides the insured person medical, hospital and surgical assistance, in case an accident or illness. A team of medical staff in medical centres, clinics and hospitals sees to you. These type of policies are the most popular.

Refund Policies: Private healthcare also offers so-called refund policies. These products allow you to choose the doctor you want to see. The client first pays the cost of the service, and then the company reimburses the cost of the medical care received.

Compensation insurance: This last type of health insurance is a policy of compensation. This policy does not cover health care but provides financial compensation to the customer.

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